Exclusive LT Star Event featuring Nicolás Almagro

Hello tennis and luxury enthusiasts!

Between March 27 and April 1, an exciting LT Star Event took place at the stunning Patina resort in the Maldives. The event featured former World No. 9 tennis player Nicolás Almagro.

During the event, Almagro conducted private lessons for attendees and there was also an exclusive Meet & Greet session where guests could interact with him in a relaxed setting amidst the beautiful backdrop of the Maldives.

Additionally, group clinics were organised, providing guests with an interactive tennis experience where they could enjoy playing alongside others from around the world who were eager to participate in this exclusive event while also enjoying their luxurious vacation filled with relaxation and delicious food.

If you’re interested in offering your guests the unique opportunity to play tennis with renowned tennis stars at your resort, don’t hesitate to contact the LUX Tennis Team directly at contact@luxtennis.com.